Perpetual Next oplossingen


Bio commodities at an industrial scale

Perpetual Next retrieves gas and carbon from organic residues. With use of specific technologies and procsess these residues are converted to bio commodities. Perpetual Next focusses on two types of biocommodities:

Bio methane:

Converting foodwaste and animal by products into biogas an bio methane.

Bio methanol:

Converting wood residues into biocarbon through torrefaction. Independent research has proven that Perpetual Next's biocarbon has reached the optimum quality level, so that it can be directly and widely applied in existing methanol production chains worldwide.

Our solutions

Perpetual Next - Perpetual Carbon biochar powder

Perpetual Carbon


Our biocoal is a renewable carbon product, which is developed and produced from sustainably sourced organic residual flows. It contains fewer pollutants than fossil carbon sources and can be used directly without CAPEX-intensive modifications to the production unit. Our high-quality carbon can partially or completely replace coal in the process industry.

Perpetual Next - Perpetual Carbon biochar

Perpetual Carbon


Only with CO2 reduction alone we will not achieve Net Zero, we also need to remove carbon. BCR (Biochar Carbon Removal) is one of the most fastest growing and promissing Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) solutions. Biochar consists of 70–90% pure and stable carbon. Biochar sequesters carbon that would otherwise be released into the air and stores it in soil for decades. Biochar contributes to the regeneration of depleted soils by housing micro organisms and retaining water and nutrients in the soil for a longer period of time. And biochar can be an answer to more problems.

Perpetual Next - Biogas

Perpetual Gas

Green gas

Perpetual Next is committed to a circular economy that is no longer dependent on fossil fuels, but on green raw materials. We use our technologies to convert organic residual flows into sustainable gases, such as biogas, syngas and green gas. Green gas has the same composition as natural gas and can be injected directly into the existing natural gas network.

Perpetual Next - Carbonisation technology

Carbonisation technology


Carbonisation is the thermochemical conversion of biomass in an oxygen-deficient environment. It generates a solid material with increased energy density and carbon content. Perpetual Next’s technology (C-Vertr) utilises indirect heated reactor technologies for carbonisation. The feedstock is heated to temperatures between 270ºC and 450ºC. The obtained product is a sustainable solid material (biocarbon) that has similar properties to fossil carbon. It can therefor help industries become fossil-free and improve the carbon footprint of industrial processes without time-consuming, capital-intensive investments in infrastructure.

We push the boundaries of what is possible

We upgrade organic residues to the highest possible application