Perpetual Next Dilsen-Stokkem
Energielaan 4
3650 Dilsen-Stokkem
From low-value to high-value. That's what we do in our production facilities. Using both our own and externally procured technologies, we give the lowest-grade waste streams the highest possible value. From organic waste streams to (industrial) heat, green gas and biocoal.
Energielaan 4
3650 Dilsen-Stokkem
EP1 Bridges Road
Ellesmere Port
CH65 4LB, United Kingdom
Havennummer M064
Appelweg 6
4782 PX Moerdijk
The Netherlands
Larserdreef 306
8233 HC Lelystad
The Netherlands
Rassi tee 11
Vägari, Jögevamaa
Perpetual Next has production facilities throughout Europe. We focus on the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, and Estonia. In the coming years, we will scale up our existing production facilities, serving a vital infrastructure that needs to be operational at all times.
But we are also constantly looking for new acquisitions, in particular existing plants that we can make more sustainable. We do this by mapping out the local, organic residual streams. With our conversion techniques, we turn them into the highest-quality products possible.