Bio methane

Replacing fossil gas means fighting CO₂ emmissions

Perpetual Next is committed to a circular economy that is no longer dependent on fossil fuels, but on green raw materials.

Fossil gas is a fossil fuel that is extracted from the ground. When it is brought to the surface and burned, CO₂ is released into the atmosphere, which causes global warming. We co-own the technology that upgrades the lowest possible organic waste residues to highest value raw materials: Renewable heat, power, bio methane & bio LNG.

Perpetual Gas is the trademark of our biogas.

Why anaerobic digestion is a climate solution
The process is carbon neutral because it contains only organic material. The carbon released when green gas is burned is equal to the carbon absorbed when the organic material grew. Since it does not add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, this means that green gas is almost carbon neutral. 

Anaerobe digestion - how does it work?

  1. Organic waste streams, such as food waste from the food industry, are fermented by bacteria in an oxygen-free environment. Biogas is produced from the fermentation process.
  2. Biogas is separated into biomethane (green gas) and CO₂.
  3. Biomethane can be injected into existing natural gas grid or it can be liquefied (Bio LNG).
  4. The residual product (digestate) of biogas production is a natural fertilizer in agriculture and can be used to replace (harmful) fertilizer.

Gasification & gas refinement

With our carbonisation technologies, we convert organic residual flows, such as green waste and demolition wood, into high-quality, renewable carbon.

We gasify this renewable carbon in two heating steps: this creates syngas. Syngas forms the basis for various chemical applications and can therefore replace fossil raw materials.

We can upgrade syngas into green gas, methanol and hydrogen by means of gas processing.

The by-product biochar is created in the process: a pure form of carbon that - by storing it in products or the soil - makes negative emissions possible.

Our green gas projects

PN Conversions

Perpetual Next Moerdijk

Food waste to biogas

Perpetual Next Moerdijk is a recycling plant that allows us to upgrade food waste (such as products past their expiration date and kitchen waste) to biogas and (raw) materials. The objective is to upgrade biogas to green gas to replace fossil natural gas in the near future.

Perpetual Next Ellesmere Port

Agricultural residues to green gas

Perpetual Next Ellesmere Port is completed in November 2021. The facility consists of an organic waste digester that produces 4 million m3 biogas per year from agricultural residues. The biogas is upgraded to green gas, a sustainable alternative to fossil natural gas, which is injected directly into Ellesmere Port's natural gas grid. The residual product from the biogas production (digestate), is used to make agricultural land more fertile.

Perpetual Next - Biogas


Woody residues to green gas

Eemsgas is a 50-50 joint venture with Gasunie. Is in development since the end of 2022. The joint venture focuses on the production and distribution of green gas. Green gas is produced on the basis of natural raw materials, such as low-grade organic waste and residual flows. It replaces fossil gas.

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