
Wij delen onze kennis graag met u

Perpetual Next is voorloper op het gebied van ontwikkelen van biokool en biogas. Samen met onze industriepartners en universiteiten hebben we de afgelopen jaren veel kennis opgedaan door onderzoek en door operationele sites op te zetten en/of door te ontwikkelen. Wij delen deze graag op deze pagina omdat we weten dat onze opgedane kennis kan bijdragen aan een Net Zero toekomst.

Technical papers

Hier vindt u een selectie van onze meest relevante technische papers op het gebied van carbonisatie voor deze segmenttoepassing. Deze technische papers zijn meestal papers van onze eigen Perpetual Next experts.

Perpetual Next - Shortlist of converted & analysed feedstocks

Perpetual Next shortlist of converted & analysed feedstocks


At Perpetual Next, we continue to analyse different types of feedstocks, options from different feedstock baskets, with different properties. All feedstocks have their advantages, it all depends on which bias you look at an opportunity. This document is the shortlist of feedstocks we have looked at so far in more detail.

Perpetual Next - Technical paper - Carbonisation of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) on industrial scale

Carbonisation of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) on industrial scale

Period 2011-2013

Solid recovered Fuel (SRF) is a fluff material obtained from non-hazardous domestic and industrial waste. This waste has been made smaller, dried and inerts, ferro and non ferro has been removed as good as possible. Also...

Perpetual Next - Technical paper - Feedstock for carbonisation process

Biomass containing material as feedstock for the carbonisation process

An overview of different kind of feedstock in the carbonisation process

Different kind of biomass containing feedstocks have been tested by Perpetual Next Dilsen-Stokkem: mixed woodchips, acacia wood, eucalyptus wood, used untreated pine/spruce wood, treated used mixed wood, blends of...

Perpetual Next - Technical paper - Pelletizing biocoal

Pelletizing biocoal

Producing optimal pellet quality with minimal energy consumption & wear on parts

To store and to transport carbonised material safe and at lower costs users request to densify this material by pelletizing. However it has become clear, that this densification process is rather critical and expensive...

Biochar for horticultural and agricultural applications using_

Biochar for horticultural and agricultural applications

using high temperature torrefaction technology

Biomass currently accounts for less than 10 percent of the world’s renewable energy production. There is however an increasing trend in  biomass consumption based on a variety of applications apart from...

Biochar project - National Forest High CV biochar photo diary

National Forest High CV biochar photo diary

Biochar project

Biochar project of Bio2Carbon Ltd, CEG Technology UK Ltd, University of Nottingham, National Forest and Perpetual Next.

Perpetual Next - Technical paper - Flue gas cleaning during the carbonisation process

Flue gas cleaning during the carbonisation process of low value biomass containing residual flows

Considerations for the method chosen and description of the flue gas cleaning installation

When using low value biomass containing residual flows as feedstock for the carbonisation process the increased chlorine and sulphur content of these flows will be partly present in the process...

Perpetual Next - Technical paper - Forming Markets for CDR - by Nick Deknatel

Forming markets for carbon dioxide removal technologies

the role and influence of voluntary and compliance carbon markets

The voluntary carbon market, governed by soft institutions, has played a significant role in the early development of the CDR industry. However, compliance market formation mechanisms, governed by hard institutions, ...

Scientific papers

Hier vindt u door ons gemaakte selectie van relevante wetenschappelijke artikelen op het gebied van carbonisatie voor deze segmenttoepassing. Deze wetenschappelijke artikelen zijn gemaakt door wetenschappers op het gebied van carbonisatie en dit zijn niet door ons geschreven artikelen.

Scientific paper - A comprehensive review on biomass torrefaction

A comprehensive review on biomass torrefaction

Daya Ram Nhuchhen, Prabir Basu and Bishnu Acharya

Biomass is a versatile energy resource that could be used as a sustainable energy resource in solid, liquid and gaseous form of energy sources. Torrefaction is an emerging thermal biomass pretreatment method...

Scientific paper - EAF long term industrial trials of utilization of char from biomass as fossil coal substitute

EAF long term industrial trials of utilization of char from biomass as fossil coal substitute

F. Cirilli, G. Baracchini, L. Bianco

Fossil sources are extensively used in the Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF), to provide energy (in addition to electricity) or in general for process needs (to provide carbon to steel bath and promote slag foaming which...

Scientific paper - The potential of using biomass-based reducing agents in the blast furnace

The potential of using biomass-based reducing agents in the blast furnace

Hannu Suopajärvi, EvaPongrácz, TimoFabritius

Steel is one of the most important materials used in modern society. The majority of the steel produced today is based on the use of virgin raw materials such as iron ore and fossil-based energy sources such as...

Scientific paper - An extensive review and comparison of modern_

An extensive review and comparison of modern biomass torrefaction teactors vs. biomass pyrolysis - Part 1

Piotr Piersa, Hilal Unyay, Szymon Szufa, ...

Major efforts are currently being made in the research community to address the challenges of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion by using lignocellulosic biomass, agricultural waste, and...

Scientific paper - The use of biochar to reduce the carbon footprint of cement-based materials

The use of biochar to reduce the carbon footprint of cement-based materials

D. Suarez-Rieraa, L. Restuccia, G.A. Ferro

The organic waste management is a most current topic, because its processing and degradation it is responsible for emissions of methane and other greenhouse gases, leading to serious environmental problems...

Moving torrefaction towards market introduction

Moving torrefaction towards market introduction

Daniela Thran, Janet Witt, Kay Schaubach, ...

The large-scale implementation of bioenergy demands solid biofuels which can be transported, stored and used efficiently. Torrefaction as a form of pyrolysis converts biomass into biofuels with according...

The levulinic acid product tree - a versatile opportunity in the bio-based economy

The levulinic acid product tree: a versatile opportunity in the bio-based economy

Q.R.B. Broxterman, M.C.C. Janssen, M.P.W.M. Rijkers

Renewable feedstock offers magnificent business development opportunities in chemicals and materials. We describe the emerging Levulinic Acid (LA) product tree, with woody biomass as a raw material...

Transition to circular chemicals and materials

Transition to circular chemicals and materials

Marijn Rijkers

What it takes to make it happen.
ECRN regions' bioeconomy projects.
Chemelot Institute for Science and Technology (InSciTe).

Biochar properties - Transport, fate and impact

Biochar properties: Transport, fate and impact

M Fernanda Aller

Biochar is the name given to charcoal produced from pyrolyzed biomass with the purpose to add into soils to enhance soil properties and sequestrate carbon. Biochar has been a very popular research topic and...

Biochar effects on methane emissions from soils - A meta-analysis

Biochar effects on methane emissions from soils: A meta-analysis

Simon Jeffery, Frank G.A. Verheijen, Claudia Kammann, Diego Abalos

Methane (CH4) emissions have increased by more than 150% since 1750, with agriculture being the major source. Further increases are predicted as permafrost regions start thawing, and rice and ruminant animal...

Biochar in agriculture – A systematic review of 26 global meta-analyses

Biochar in agriculture – A systematic review of 26 global meta-analyses

Hans-Peter Schmidt, Claudia Kammann, Nikolas Hagemann, ...

Biochar is obtained by pyrolyzing biomass and is, by definition, applied in a way that avoids its rapid oxidation to CO2. Its use in agriculture includes animal feeding, manure treatment (e.g. as additive for bedding, ...

Biochar-based carbon sinks to mitigate climate change - EBI Whitepaper

Biochar-based carbon sinks to mitigate climate change

Harald Bier, Helmut Gerber, Marcel Huber

EBI Whitepaper.
The threat of climate change is increasing constantly. This is seriously bad news. And as this becomes more and more understood and accepted, the...

The Potential for Biochar to Enhance Sustainability in the Dairy Industry

The Potential for Biochar to Enhance Sustainability in the Dairy Industry

Kathleen Draper, Shannan Sweet

The US dairy industry launched a net zero initiative with the objective of becoming carbon neutral or even carbon negative by 2050 along with adoption of goals to optimize water use and improve water quality by...

Exploring long‑term effects of biochar on mitigating methane emissions from paddy soil: a review

Qiong Nan, Liqing Xin, Yong Qin, Muhammad Waqas, Weixiang Wu

Biochar has been reported to mitigate short-term methane (CH4) emissions from paddy soil. Currently, CH4 mitigation by biochar has primarily focused on the abundance and variations of...

Self-Heating of Biochar during Postproduction Storage by O2 Chemisorption at Low Temperatures

Aekjuthon Phounglamcheik, Nils Johnson, Norbert Kienzl, Christoph Strasser, Kentaro Umeki

Biochar is attracting attention as an alternative carbon/fuel source to coal in the process industry and energy sector. However, it is prone to self-heating and often leads to spontaneousignition and thermal runaway during storage, resulting in...

Position papers

Hier vindt u onze position papers. Position papers zijn artikelen die een visie van de auteur geven op het gebied van carbonisatie en dit ter discussie te stellen.

Perpetual Next - Position paper - How carbonisation enables the shift from energy transition to the material transition

How carbonisation enables the shift from energy transition to the material transition

Part of discussion artickels about carbonisation of low-value bio-residual flows for replacement of fossil carbo

Nowadays it is widely accepted that the era of fossil carbon must end and therefore an important and urgent transition to a fossil-free industry needs to take place. Carbonised solids are perhaps the most known ...

Perpetual Next - Position paper - NET ZERO by reversed mining

Net Zero by reversed mining

How Perpetual Next leads the emerging carbon removal industry

Greenhouse gas emissions are caused by human action and also by nature itself. It is mainly the exhaust gases from the combustion of fossil fuels that pollute the atmosphere with carbon that was previously stored in...

Torrefied Biomass - WhitePaper MUSIC

Torrefied Biomass - WhitePaper MUSIC

External paper

Torrefaction, in the view of the authors, is the term that describes thermal treatment of any solid biomass in an inert atmosphere with the aim to separate a part or all volatile matters in solid biomass and to concentrate carbon...

CO2 Innovation in the lime sector 3.0 - EuLA

CO2 Innovation in the lime sector 3.0 - EuLA

External paper

Lime and limestone are basic enabling compounds which are necessary to many other industrial value chains, such as air pollution control, purifying drinking water, wastewater, support sustainable agriculture, enable...

Spec sheets

Hier vindt u een selectie van onze spec sheets. Een spec sheet of gegevensblad geeft een samenvatting van de prestaties en andere kenmerken van een specifieke vorm en variant van Perpetual Carbon.

Perpetual Next - Spec sheet PCN210S

Spec sheet PCN210S

Carbonised biocoal pellets

Perpetual Carbon pellets exhibit good potential to act as a drop-in  replacement for a variety of different fossil fuels. It can be used as solid substitute for PCI coal (Pulverized Coal Injection) in blast furnace, sinter process or for...

Perpetual Next - Spec sheet PCN230S

Spec sheet PCN230S

Carbonised biocoal powder

Perpetual Carbon powder exhibit good potential to act as a drop-in replacement for a variety of different fossil fuels. It can be used as a substitute for PCI coal (Pulverized Coal Injection) in blast furnace, sinter process or for...

Perpetual Next - Spec sheet PCN250S

Spec sheet PCN250S

Carbonised biocoal powder

Perpetual Carbon powder exhibits good potential to act as a drop-in replacement for a variety of different fossil fuels. It can be used as a substitute for PCI coal (Pulverized Coal Injection) in blast furnace...

Perpetual Next - Spec sheet PCA775P

Spec sheet PCA775P

AddQuest biochar chips

ADDCQUEST is ideal for industrial building applications. ADDCQUEST has excellent insulating properties, improves air quality, soaks up moisture and protects from radiation. It can be used as pigmentation for concrete or mortar, plaster...

Perpetual Next - Spec sheet PCS775P

Spec sheet PCS775P

Soilcquest biochar chips

Soilcquest biochar is a soil conditioner that offers multiple soil health benefits like enhanced nutrient retention, improved soil aeration and water holding capacity. It can be used with all types of plants & crops...

Perpetual Next - Spec sheet PCS800P

Spec sheet PCS800P

AddQuest biochar chips

ADDCQUEST is ideal for industrial building applications. ADDCQUEST has excellent insulating properties, improves air quality, soaks up moisture and protects from radiation. It can be used as pigmentation for concrete or...

Safety data sheets

Hier vindt u een selectie van onze Safety Data Sheets (SDS). De Safety Data Sheets bevatten informatie zoals de eigenschappen van elke chemische stof, de fysische en ecologische gezondheidsrisico's, beschermende maatregelen en veiligheidsmaatregelen voor het hanteren, opslaan en vervoeren van de chemische stof.

Perpetual Next - Safety data sheet - Perpetual Carbon pellet-volume ≤ 3m3 PCX205-230

Pellet-volume ≤ 3m3 PCX205-230

Safety data sheet

This SDS (formerly MSDS or Material Safety Data Sheet) is about Perpetual Carbon, in Pellet form with a volume ≤ 3 m3 with type number references PCX205-230. It includes the properties of each chemical, the physical, health, and environmental health hazards, protective measures and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting this material.

Perpetual Next - Safety data sheet - Perpetual Carbon pellet-bulk PCX205-230

Pellet-bulk PCX205-230

Safety data sheet

This SDS (formerly MSDS or Material Safety Data Sheet) is about Perpetual Carbon, in pellet form in bulk volume with type number references PCX205-230. It includes the properties of each chemical, the physical, health, and environmental health hazards, protective measures, and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting this material.

Perpetual Next - Safety data sheet - Perpetual Carbon powder bulk PCX250

Powder bulk PCX250

Safety data sheet

This SDS (formerly MSDS or Material Safety Data Sheet) is about Perpetual Carbon, in powder form in bulk volume. It includes information such as the properties of each chemical, the physical, health, and environmental health hazards, protective measures, and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting this material.

Perpetual Next - Safety data sheet - Perpetual Carbon biochar-chips PCX270-900

Biochar-chips PCX270-900

Safety data sheet

This SDS (formerly MSDS or Material Safety Data Sheet) is about Perpetual Carbon biochar-chips with a volume ≤ 3 m3 with typenumber references PCX270-900. It includes the properties of each chemical, the physical, health, and environmental health hazards, protective measures, and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting this material.

Infographics en tabellen

Hier vindt u alle infographics en tabellen die dieper op een oplossing, technologie e.a. ingaan. U kunt ze vanuit de pdf, indien gewenst, gemakkelijk printen.

Perpetual Next - GHG (Green House Gas) emissions, scope 1, 2 & 3 explained


Printable pdf

This infographic explains emission scopes 1, 2 & 3 (as defined by the GHG Protocol). According to the leading GHG Protocol corporate standard, a company's greenhouse gas emissions are classified into three scopes. Scope 1 and 2 are mandatory to report, whereas scope...

Perpetual Next - steel making technologies and CO2 emissions

Examples of Steel applications

Printable pdf

  • Replacement PCI (Pulverized Coal Injection) coal for blast furnaces.
  • Alternative to sintering process.
  • Alternative to injection or charged carbon for EAF.
Perpetual Next - Procesdiagram cement industry

Examples of Cement applications

Printable pdf

Examples of fossil carbon avoidance applications and an example of carbon removal applications.


Perpetual Next - Carbonisatie en vergassing

Carbonisation and gasification

Printable pdf

Joint Venture with Gasunie:
Eemsgas, a 50%-50% joint venture with Gasunie, is in development. The joint venture focuses on the production and distribution of green gas. Instead of fossil raw materials, green gas is....


Perpetual Next - BM2C6 project

Perpetual Next - BM2C6 project

Printable pdf

The BM2C6 project in which we participate, works on developing a new value chain from biomass to C6 monomers. By means of the BM2C6 project we aim to create an unprecedented value chain starting from carbonized biomass...


Perpetual Next - Value chain - flow diagram Building Concrete

Applications and value chains - concrete additive

Printable pdf

Biochar can be used as an additive for the following sectors: Concrete & cement based mixtures, Gypsum plasterboards, Facades additive, Infra-structures additive, Carpet backing and Click flooring pigment.

Perpetual Next - Value chain - flow diagram Building Flooring

Applications and value chains - carpet backing

Printable pdf

Biochar can be used as an additive for the following sectors: Concrete & cement based mixtures, Gypsum plasterboards, Facades additive, Infra-structures additive, Carpet backing and Click flooring pigment.

Perpetual Next - Value chain - flow diagram Agri manure

Applications and value chains - cattle manure additive

Printable pdf

Together we can develop biochar solutions to reduce the carbon footprint for different types of farms. As an example, applying biochar as an additive to the manure of cows a CO2 equivalent reduction of 16% can be achieved.

Perpetual Next - Value chain - flow diagram Agri feed

Applications and value chains - cattle feed additive

Printable pdf

Perpetual Carbon Soilcquest is a biochar soil improver, which keeps agricultural soils fertile through improved nutrient retention, improved soil aeration and drainage, increased water retention capacity and increased...

Perpetual Next - Greenhouse gas - Source EBI

CDR: Other removals

Printable pdf

Carbon removal with biochar for the construction industry
Biochar consists of 75–90% pure and stable carbon. With a simple molecular analysis, the stability of biochar can be determined and thus...

Perpetual Next - Flow chart

Carbon conversion process

Printable pdf

A C-Vertr carbonisation line is part of three process steps of a plant solution:
1. Feedstock pre-processing
2. Primary C-Vertr carbonisation
3. Perpetual Carbon post processing

Perpetual Next - Graph - Energy and carbon content as function of carbonisation temperatures 265-450 degrees

From feedstock to biocarbon

Printable pdf

Feedstock is indirectly heated in the reactor with the flue gas coming from the combustion of the syngas. The syngas is self generated during the process in a closed cycle. The feedstock is conveyed along the length of...


In deze rubriek vindt u de certificaten die Perpetual Next heeft behaald.

Perpetual Next - Certificate Vägari - Baltania OÜ SBP

Certificate Vägari - Baltania OÜ SBP

Certificate - by 04-10-2021

Scope of certificate: Production of torrefied wood pellets at Baltania OÜ in Vägari, Jõgevamaa and transportation to Kunda harbour. The scope of the certificate includes SBE for primary and secondary feedstock from Estonia.

Perpetual Next - Certificate Vägari - Baltania OÜ PEFC COC

Certificate Vägari - Baltania OÜ PEFC COC

Certificate - by 25-08-2021

Scope of certificate: Certificate type: Single Chain of Custody. Preferred by Nature - NEPCon OÜ hereby confirms that the Chain of Custody system has been assessed and certified.

Perpetual Next - Certificate Vägari - Baltania OÜ FSC COC w_CW

Certificate Vägari - Baltania OÜ FSC COC w_CW

Certificate - by -01-09-2021

Scope of certificate: Certificate type: Single Chain of Custody and Controlled Wood. Preferred by Nature - NEPCon OÜ hereby confirms that
the Chain of Custody and Controlled Wood system has been assessed and certified.

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